Monday, June 15, 2009

True Blood vs Twilight: Can the Vampires Peacefully Coexist?

200906141231.jpg With the HBO Southern gothic vampire series True Blood starting its new season tonight, Interview magazine recently caught up with the stars of True Blood to ask what they thought of the Twilight vamps–

Can the vampire universes of True Blood and Twilight peacefully coexist?

I don’t know…I think maybe the True Blood vampires would be jealous of the Twilight vampires for being so sparkly and shiny in the sun…they are the supermodels of the vampire world…and I think that we have all seen that supermodels and humans have difficulties with peaceful coexistence…a la the Naomi episodes.

What would a rumble between the two casts look like?

I think it would a little like the rumble in West Side story…with lots of hair product and fancy dance numbers and lots of hot men! And Yes I think the True Blood Vampires would definately crush the sparkly Twilight Vamps, without question.




  1. Both the True Blood vampires and the Twilight vampires are supermodels! and they'd both be pretty jealous of the other.
    the True Blood vampires would be jealous because they have to sleep in the day, and can only survive on human blood. the Twilight vampires would be jealous because they cannot sleep at all, and drink animal blood. the True Blood vampires can drink from humans without killing them, if they wanted to.
    i don't think it is as definite that the True Blood vamps would crush the Twilight vamps. both camps are pretty fast and quick - with Twilight vamps having extra abilities.

  2. Twilight vamps don't have fancy fangs unlike in True Blood Vamps. but the twilight vamps' fangs were cute because they form a crescent style while in true blood vamps only dots..


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